Stripe climate

March 13, 2022

These have been a hard couple of weeks for this world. What's happening in Ukraine is heartbreaking. We hope for evolution to speed up and for goodness to triumph.

We are offering free services to anyone affected by this tragedy. Please email us and we will help you preserve all that you want.

We've been trying to keep ourselves busy with work. Over the last few weeks we shipped the following improvements to the product:

  • Ability to disable downloads and set passwords, expiry times and device limits to album links
  • Support for import and playback of Live Photos on the web
  • Accurate creation time detection for videos that were exported from Google / Apple Photos
  • Slew of bug fixes and performance improvements across all platforms

We also pledged ourselves to Stripe Climate (to aid in carbon removal), documented our architecture for link sharing, and started a Discord server to share updates and to engage in conversations with our community.

That's all.

Wish you lots of peace and love.